Car Waxing

Have you ever wondered why some cars look shinier than others? Well, we’d say the small things count very much when it comes to the appearance of the vehicle. We’re familiar with the fact that paints are made of petrochemicals which can easily be scratched and decolorized if we tend to wash them regularly. The exposure to the sun also has a damaging effect on the paint if it’s not protected. As a comprehensive motor care service provider, Grand Auto Car Wash offers an affordable yet fascinating way to protect your car and bring a glossy finish on top. Our specialized Car wax bonds with the outermost layer of paint for their similar chemical configurations. This, in turn, protects from sunlight, scratches and water stains.

Car waxing is a very cheap alternative to preserve the appearance of your darling car. Moreover, it also improves resale value. According to the experts, a car waxing treatment after three months is all it takes to make your car dominant in the open.


Hand Wax

$80 (AUTO)

$100 (SUV)

  • Protection for the paint for 6 month and eliminate small swirls, give a shinny luster better appearance and protects against ultraviolet rays of the sun also against winter salt and calcium.

Glazing & Waxing


  • For all

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